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Scottish Renewables´Offshore Wind Conference - Glasgow

March 8, 07:00March 10, 16:00
, , United Kingdom
Come and explore one of the world´s most ambitious offshore wind markets! When Crown Estate Scotland announced the outcomes from the leasing round for ScotWind, a potential multi-billion pound supply chain investment is in the pipe line! The Scottish ambitions means great opportunities for Norwegian offshore wind companies:
  • 17 projects have been selected out of a total of 74 applications and have now been offered option agreements which reserve the rights to specific areas of seabed.
  • 10 of the projects awarded or more than 13 GW of totally 25GW will based on floating technologies
In connection with the Scottish Renewables’ Offshore Wind Conference, we are planning for B2B meetings between the Norwegian industry and potentioal Scottish partners. The conference is an industry event bringing together senior industry leaders to explore the opportunities and challenges that exist in delivering successful offshore wind projects in Scotland and the rest of the UK. Fast on the heels of the announcement of the ScotWind leasing round, this event brings together practical supply chain advice for the year ahead. In addition, the conference will give us an update on the global activity and plans forward from various stakeholders. Learn more about getting ready for the Scottish Offshore wind market!
  • What solutions are needed
  • Contract and business models
  • Local framework conditions
  • Qualifications
  Contact Tor Arne Johnsen for questions. [button link="" newwindow="yes"] SIGN UP HERE[/button]


Tuesday, 8 March

Alsh 1 at Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
08:00 – 08:30
Welcome and introduction
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10:30 – 11:15
Ocean Winds Mark Baxter, Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm, Project Director Roger McMichael, Moray West Offshore Wind Farm, Stakeholder Manager
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12:30 – 13:15
Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Nikki Keddie, Stakeholder Manager
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14:30 – 15:15
ORE Catapult Andrew Macdonald, Director of OSW Development & Operations
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16:15 – 17:00
Falck Renewables Scott Gilbert, Global Head of Engineering
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19:30 – 22:30
Optional: Social dinner for the Norwegian delegation Venue: Ox and Finch, 920 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, Scotland G3 7TF To enable networking and exchange of experiences and learnings between the delegates. Individual cost covered by the participants.
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Wednesday, 9 March

Alsh 1 at Scottish Event Campus (SEC)
08:45 – 09:30
NECCUS Ronnie Quinn, UK CCUS & Supply Chain
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10:45 – 11:15
Crown Estate Scotland Gillian Morrison, Development Manager - Supply Chain
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12:00 – 13:00
Scottish Power Renewables (Iberdrola) Kirsty Adams, Supply Chain Manager
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13:00 – 14:00
SSE Renewables Alex Meredith, Berwick Bank Project Director Chris Harvey, Berwick Bank Procurement Manager
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Thursday, 10 March

Island suite at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow
08:30 – 10:30
Norwegian offshore wind expertise showcase This exclusive third day event provides an excellent opportunity for members of this Norwegian delegation to showcase their capabilities, experiences and unique value offering to major international offshore wind developers through a series of short presentations to an invited audience.
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From 11:00 to 16.00
B2B meetings One-to-one meetings will be organised with BP and with Iberdrola (Scottish Power Renewables) based on the UVP’s submitted by companies.
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Networking opportunities throughout the day with lunch provided at 12.00
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We are pleased to offer an exciting range of meetings bringing together the delegation
with international Offshore Wind (OSW) developers including winners of the recently
announced ScotWind sites and policy makers to provide an insight into supply chain
initiatives and innovation hubs.  
BP: with an OSW portfolio of over 5.1GW* internationally under development including
projects in UK Round 4 & ScotWind with their JV partner EnBW (where fixed bottom
projects under development in the UK by this JV total 5.9GW). With a strong record in
renewables having developed 14.1GW across all green technologies, BP will provide an
overview of their net-zero strategy and aims to deliver low carbon electricity and energy
by 2030. OSW is BP’s fastest growing renewable business area with high level growth
opportunity globally through strategic partnerships.  
Scottish Power (Iberdrola): with an OSW portfolio of over 20GW* internationally of
which 4.5GW* are ScotWind sites, we welcome back Scottish Power (Iberdrola) who will
provide an insight into the upcoming activities and share their thoughts on the deployment
of floating wind at scale. Of the recently awarded sites, 5GW of floating wind, together
with their JV partner Shell, will soon be under development for deployment over the next
decade. With only 80MW of floating wind operational in Scottish Waters to date, there is
challenge and opportunity ahead. The Norwegian delegation will also hear more on the
fixed-bottom portfolio including East Anglia THREE, a 1.4GW project competing in the
UK Government CfD subsidy round due to be announced in Summer-22.  
SSE Renewables: with an OSW portfolio of over 10GW* of which 7GW is currently in
development, SSE together with their JV partners Marubeni and CIP, were awarded a
2.6GW floating wind site on the east coast. Currently constructing Scotland’s largest
OSW project - Seagreen (1075MW) we will hear from the Berwick Bank project; a 4.1GW
fixed-bottom site currently undertaking consenting and engineering design works.
Ocean Winds: Internationally experienced in the deployment of bottom-fixed and floating
projects, we will welcome Ocean Winds to provide an overview of the Moray West fixed-
bottom project which is also competing in the UK Government CfD subsidy round this
year. In addition, we are fortunate to have a senior member of the Caledonia project
team a winning 1GW fixed-bottom site building on their offshore hub in the Outer Moray
Firth where Ocean Winds has over 10-years’ experience. Ocean Winds is also the
Industry Champion for the DeepWind supply chain cluster and chair a number of supply
chain sub-working groups.  
Red Rock Power: together with their JV Partner ESB, the Inch Cape project, a 1GW
fixed bottom site on the east coast of Scotland, will compete in the UK Government CfD
subsidy round this year. The team from Red Rock Power will present an overview of their
supply chain strategies and project timeline.  
Falck Renewables: winning two floating sites with their JV partner Blue Float (in total
1.7GW) and a third site with Orsted and Blue Float (1GW) Falck (and Blue Float) are new
entrants to the UK OSW market. With interests also in Italy and the Celtic Sea (Wales),
Falck has an OSW portfolio* of over 3GW.  
ORE Catapult:
ORE Catapult is the UK’s leading technology innovation and research
centre for offshore renewable energy. Utilising their unique facilities and R&D
engineering capabilities, including the blade testing centre in the North East of England,
the operational 7MW Levenmouth Turbine in Scotland and other digital capabilities they
bring together industry and academia to drive innovation in renewable energy. We
welcome Andy Macdonald, Director of OSW Development & Operations and his
colleagues to hear more on the Fit4Offshore Renewables programme, the Launch
Academy and the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership, a business transformation
programme that has been established as part of the UK Offshore Wind Sector Deal that
will promote closer collaboration across the supply chain.  
Crown Estate Scotland (CES): CES is responsible for the management of assets in
Scotland including the seabed, coastline, rural estates and urban properties which at 31
March 2021 were valued at over £455M. Ownership of the estate remains with the
Monarch and management responsibility with Scottish Ministers. In supporting the
development of the Blue Economy, leasing for offshore wind including ScotWind and
INTOG are at the heart of their business. Gillian Morrison, Development Manager -
Supply Chain will join us to provide a background of the ScotWind Supply Chain
Development Statement (SCDS) and the approach that is being taken in Scotland.

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