Sweden on the rise in offshore wind

Norwegian Offshore Wind is establishing stronger connections with the Swedish offshore wind industry. Here from a networking event at the Swedish embassy in Oslo
by Tor Arne Johnsen
EU Advisor

Sweden is emerging as a floating offshore wind market and a hub for fabrication for the entire Baltic Sea.

Several interesting news about the Swedish Offshore Wind market has been published the last couple of weeks that secures Sweden’s position as an attractive offshore wind market. Norwegian offshore wind developer Deep Wind Offshore has applied to develop a 1,5 GW floating offshore wiind project outside Stockholm. 

Norwegian Offshore Wind has a working group for the Swedish market, with increased activity. 

-Sweden is emerging as market for both bottom fixed and floating offshore wind” says Stein Erik Skilhagen, leader for NOWs working group for Sweden, and continues:

-With leading developers such as Vattenfall, RWE together with Norwegian developers such as DWO, Statkraft and Mainstream a strong project pipeline is being built. This will require the development of a domestic supply chain with great opportunities for the Norwegian suppliers in the offshore wind market.

Stein Erik Skilhagen

Norwegian Offshore Wind, together with Innovation Norway and NORWEP, is setting up seminar on the 12 June, as a side-event for Swedish Offshore Wind Forum. In the seminar Vattenfall, RWE, DWO and Statkraft will present their project pipeline and what type of suppliers they are looking for. Moreover, the supply chain with Hitachi, NKT (tbc) and floating offshore wind hub in Kålvik will present.  

For more information on the status of the Swedish Offshore wind market, the project pipeline, please join us at Swedish Offshore Wind Forum in Gothenburg on the 12 and 13 of June

The Swedish Offshore Wind Market

  • Erik Segersäll: Floating offshore wind projects on the east coast of Sweden. DWO has now submitted its plan for develop the first phase of the project. Total capacity 4.5GW. First phase is 1.5 GW.
  • RWE, one the leading developers in Europe, has signed a MoU with Port of Oscarshamn. The aim of this collaboration is to explore whether the port could be a suitable harbour for the logistics, installation, loading, operations and maintenance activities relating to RWE’s planned offshore wind projects in the Baltic Sea. RWE has also signed an MoU with Port of Karlshamn.
  • Olav Thon and Orvelingruppen plans to develop a floating wind hub in Kålvik, Strømstad. With its technical and geographical features it could play a vital role in floating wind fabrication and assembly in the Baltic and North sea.   



Tor Arne Johnsen

EU Advisor
Phone number
+47 977 40 339
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Stein Erik Skilhagen

Working Group Leader
Phone number
+47 957 26 661
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